A Celebration of Culture

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Posted on 18 Jul 2023

Year 7 pupils recently enjoyed a spectacular Diversity Day, all thanks to the wonderful Miss Dar. The day provided the unique opportunity for pupils to immerse themselves in different cultures and learn new skills.

Show Racism The Red Card led an informative session helping pupils to understand racism and its impact on individuals and society. They explored ways to challenge stereotypes and media bias, fostering empathy and awareness of the consequences of racism.

One highlight of the day was the Rap Masterclass delivered by Shocka, a renowned rapper from the group Marvell. The session focused on mental health and fighting stigmas. Pupils enjoyed writing and performing rap pieces, bravely embracing their creativity on stage.

Other activities included Bollywood dancing with Daksha Asher, African Samba Drums with Harry Keeble, and Mandarin Chinese lessons with Katherine Francis.

Pupils discovered the art of Rangoli patterns with Mrs Sawyer, practised British Sign Language with Ms Franklin and Mrs Hebb, and engaged in a diverse fashion challenge led by Miss Sharif.

Miss Malone and Mrs Tough celebrated the multicultural aspect of British cuisine by making Thai Green Curry. Additionally, pupils explored the artwork of the Haida people with Mr Beasley, creating totem pole-inspired relief sculptures.

Diversity Day was a resounding success, allowing pupils to embrace cultural diversity, develop new skills, and foster a sense of appreciation for different customs and traditions. We are proud of their enthusiasm and openness to learning about the world around them.