Northfield 5


We provide up to 330 places for Year 7 pupils each year. For entry into Year 7, applications to Northfield should be made through the Local Authority admissions scheme.

As a local authority community maintained school, we follow Stockton on Tees Borough Council's admission policy. Please click here to access all relevant information.

How to Apply for 2024/25 Academic Year

If your son/daughter is born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 they will be eligible to start secondary school in September 2024. If your son/daughter attends a school in Stockton, you will receive a letter during September from the admissions team at Stockton Borough Council on how to apply.

If you have any queries, please ring the School Admissions Team on 01642 526605 or email

Every Day is an Open Day

Every day is an open day at Northfield. If you would like to visit us during a normal school day please contact Dr Ankers, our deputy headteacher, on 01642 557373 or email to arrange a convenient time.

Mid Year Transfers

If you have recently moved into the area and are considering Northfield for your child please contact Dr Ankers. He will be pleased to arrange a mutually convenient meeting with the relevant members of staff and a tour of our facilities.

To apply for a place at Northfield School and Sports College mid-year please contact the School Admissions Team on 01642 526605 or email

Admission Appeals

For information on the appeals process, how to appeal and a timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals, please click here.


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