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Safeguarding at Northfield
The safety and well-being of all children and young people are paramount, and our top priority is for all pupils to feel safe and secure both in and outside school. Staff at Northfield School and Sports College are committed to this objective, ensured by a raft of safeguarding strategies these include:
- Use of our online student concern form for any pupil to report/share concerns with us
- Having an extended safeguarding team, due to Northfield’s size, with a DSL and two DDSLs
- A vast pastoral team which also includes a family support worker, PLC manager, behavioural support officers and an attendance officer
- Liaison with relevant safeguarding organisations such as social care, NHS and the police through the sharing of information and attendance at meetings
- The use of therapeutic services on the school site such as ABC and Alliance
- Relevant training of all Northfield Staff – training is ongoing all year round to keep local and national safeguarding issues at the forefront of the minds of our staff
- Weekly assemblies which start with a safeguarding reminder for ALL pupils
- Delivery of our life skills curriculum, where important topics are covered - click here to find out more about life skills.
- Guest speakers that deliver safeguarding messages in school e.g. knife crime, serious violence and one punch can kill
- Regular liaison with parents/carers through termly newsletters, our website, email and social media
- Parental access to online safeguarding training
- Sitting on the board of the Hartlepool Stockton Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (HSSCP) which ensures we are fully aware of any upcoming changes in safeguarding policy/protocol
Pupils, parents and carers are encouraged to report any safeguarding concerns to a member of our safeguarding team, either in person or by emailing safeguarding@northfieldssc.org.
With vital help from our parents and carers, we continuously strive to provide a safe, happy and vibrant learning environment for all our pupils to thrive and reach their full potential. Each pupil has their own needs and requirements; therefore, we must receive the necessary information, however small it is perceived, to structure each pupil's learning experience in a way that will best help them succeed.
Please get in touch if you require any further information or have any queries.
Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Leads | |
Dr AnkersDesignated Safeguarding DeputyDr Ankers, as Deputy Head Teacher, supports safeguarding as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Dr Ankers has worked as a senior leader in three schools since 2012. Firstly within County Durham and then at Northfield from January 2019. Dr Ankers has extensive experience as a school leader and over ten years of experience working as a pastoral leader within schools. At Northfield, Dr Ankers supports Mr Hetherington by ensuring a culture of safeguarding at Northfield so that pupils, staff and parents can safely navigate a complex and ever-changing world. |
Contact: safeguarding@northfieldssc.org |
Safeguarding in our life skills curriculum
The life skills curriculum supports safeguarding across all year groups by educating pupils on areas such as sexual harassment and bullying whilst also providing pupils with a safe environment to raise concerns. Lesson resources remind pupils how they can receive further support in school and who they can talk to, as well as referencing the online student concern form linked here. Life skills lessons, delivered by tutors, help to build on the existing supportive framework for pupils.
Click here to find out more about life skills
Three out of four young people spend more than three hours a day online, and to ensure children stay safe while using the internet, we must educate them on the potential risks and dangers.
Click here to find out how we teach our pupils to stay safe online
Safeguarding Children Statement
Northfield School and Sports College believe that children must be protected from harm at all times.
- We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.
- We want children who use or have contact with this school to enjoy what we have to offer in safety.
- We want parents and carers of children who use or attend our school to be supported to care for their children in a way that promotes their child’s health and well being and keeps them safe.
- We want organisations who work with us, or who provide funding to us to have confidence and recognise that we are a safe school.
- We will achieve this by having an effective safeguarding children procedure and follow National guidance (What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused).http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/resources-an-practice/IG00182
- If we discover or suspect a child is suffering or likely to suffer harm we will notify Children’s Services via The Children’s HUB tel: 01642 130080 / 01429 284284 (out of hours 01642 524 552) and complete a SAFER referral email: childrenshub@hartlepool.gcsx.gov.uk or the police tel: 01642 326326, in order that they can be protected if necessary.
- This Safeguarding Children Policy Statement and our safeguarding children procedure applies to all staff, volunteers and users of Northfield School and Sports College and anyone carrying out any work for us or using our premises. All members of staff will read part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019 in line with statutory guidance.
- We will review our safeguarding children policy and procedures at least annually to make sure they are still relevant and effective.